NS9530 And AT9530 Cermet Grade Inserts with JP And JS Chipbreakers Improve Chip Control And Surface Quality
Tungaloy has introduced forty new NS9530 and AT9530 cermet grade inserts with JP and JS chipbreakers.
NS9530 and AT9530 cermet grades both provide the inserts with a good combination of wear and fracture resistance. Versatile NS9530 is the first choice grade for finishing to medium cutting of steel. The uncoated grade showcases wear and fracture resistance, delivering long tool life and superior surface quality in a wide application range. The TiAlN-coated cermet grade, AT9530 demonstrates increased wear resistance with edge toughness in high speed finishing of alloy steel. Enhanced post-treatment technology of the surface further improves its ability to minimize built-up edge formation and produce superior surface quality.
The JP chipbreaker is designed to control chips specifically in super fine finishing applications, while the JS chipbreaker, with its optimized chipbreaker geometry and cutting edge inclination angle, delivers excellent chip control in a wide application range.